Monthly Archives: May 2012

Want to Delight Your Customers? Map How They Feel

Every interaction a customer has with your company says something about your brand. Do you know how you’re making them feel with every touch point? Most companies have detailed processes for delivering products but very little definition of the emotional … Continue reading

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What Myths are Impeding Change at Your Company?

At Bang & Olufsen, the Danish manufacturer of high end  music players and speakers, its people were convinced that their success depended on providing the ultimate pureness of sound, creating beautiful objects, delighting users through great physical product interfaces, and thinking … Continue reading

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Are You Taking Advantage of LinkedIn’s Full Capabilities?

According to Jeff Korhan at, there are 7 secrets to getting more for your time invested at LinkedIn. Among them are: Use appropriate keywords in your heading and title. Be diligent about updating your connections Add video to your … Continue reading

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Could You Use an Efficient Way to Manage Email?

“Here’s my problem with email,” Jane*, a lawyer friend of mine told me recently, “I open Outlook expecting to quickly check my email, but then I read an email with a link in it, I follow the link, and then … Continue reading

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What Do Lottery Tickets and Change Management Have in Common?

In this Harvard Business Review article, a famous experiment demonstrated that when participants who had chosen their own lottery numbers were offered an opportunity to sell the ticket back, they typically wanted five times the price asked by those who … Continue reading

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