Category Archives: Tips and Tools

Some Thoughts for Thanksgiving…Or Any Day for That Matter

The following list was written by Regina Brett, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH.  If you meditate, or just find a quiet space every now or then, they are a good, healthy reminder about what’s important. 1. Life isn’t fair, … Continue reading

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Have You Been Using Evernote…But Not to Its Full Potential?

Have you been using Evernote…but not at all to its full capability? Evernote is capable of so much more than simply holding notes you type. This article from LifeHacker is full of great tips for getting so much more out … Continue reading

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Build Your Bench Strength Without Breaking the Bank

Kirk Kramer writes in the HBR Blog: Many social enterprises start small and grow fast. This puts a premium on the need to develop, or recruit, talented people who can take on evolving roles and responsibilities. Yet planning for future … Continue reading

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Are Your Employee Evaluations Worth the Time and Paper It Takes to Do Them?

According to Denis Wilson, writing in Fast Company, annual evaluations “build up pressure and make feedback sessions feel like indictments. And most importantly, they do little to alter behavior and improve performance and productivity, which should be your goal.” If … Continue reading

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Is Your Company Growing Too Fast?

When business picks up particularly after challenging periods like our recent recession, it’s easy to overlook basic financials. It’s even easier to overlook less obvious financials like the Sustainable Growth Rate. The SGR calculates the rate of growth your business … Continue reading

Posted in Finance, forecasts, Tips and Tools | 1 Comment

What Can We Learn from the Founding Fathers About Holding Great Meetings

In a great Fast Company article, Mark McNeilly talks about what we can learn from the founding fathers about holding productive meetings when the participants are diverse with equally diverse interests. In his introduction he states: “Consider this: meeting for … Continue reading

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What Lessons Can You Learn from Sam the Banana Man?

Samuel Zemurray, known to friend and foe alike as Sam the Banana Man, made his first fortune in “ripes,” bananas that the big fruit traders considered too mature to reach market in time for sale. Their rule of thumb was … Continue reading

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Want to Delight Your Customers? Map How They Feel

Every interaction a customer has with your company says something about your brand. Do you know how you’re making them feel with every touch point? Most companies have detailed processes for delivering products but very little definition of the emotional … Continue reading

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Could You Use an Efficient Way to Manage Email?

“Here’s my problem with email,” Jane*, a lawyer friend of mine told me recently, “I open Outlook expecting to quickly check my email, but then I read an email with a link in it, I follow the link, and then … Continue reading

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Build Rapport with Challenging Customers or Employees

This week our two Tucson Vistage CEO groups hosted author, speaker and trainer Abe Wagner speaking on Increasing Motivation and Productivity. Wagner’s presentation is based on a foundation of Transactional Analysis and Neurolinguistic Programming. In 3 hours he presented and … Continue reading

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