Category Archives: Change Management

Are Your Employee Evaluations Worth the Time and Paper It Takes to Do Them?

According to Denis Wilson, writing in Fast Company, annual evaluations “build up pressure and make feedback sessions feel like indictments. And most importantly, they do little to alter behavior and improve performance and productivity, which should be your goal.” If … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Change Management, Hiring and Retaining Great People, Leadership, Tips and Tools | Leave a comment

What Lessons Can You Learn from Sam the Banana Man?

Samuel Zemurray, known to friend and foe alike as Sam the Banana Man, made his first fortune in “ripes,” bananas that the big fruit traders considered too mature to reach market in time for sale. Their rule of thumb was … Continue reading

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What Myths are Impeding Change at Your Company?

At Bang & Olufsen, the Danish manufacturer of high end  music players and speakers, its people were convinced that their success depended on providing the ultimate pureness of sound, creating beautiful objects, delighting users through great physical product interfaces, and thinking … Continue reading

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What Do Lottery Tickets and Change Management Have in Common?

In this Harvard Business Review article, a famous experiment demonstrated that when participants who had chosen their own lottery numbers were offered an opportunity to sell the ticket back, they typically wanted five times the price asked by those who … Continue reading

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